Podcasts & Interviews

Podcast with Biswarup Ghosh, Legal Counsel, Cambium Networks, Part-2

LexDiscuss Cafe Podcast – Part 2: Generative AI and the Future of Legal Practice

Welcome back, viewers! In this captivating episode of LexDiscuss Cafe, we delve into the intersection of law and technology with the brilliant Mr. Biswarup Ghosh. As an engineer-turned-lawyer, Biswarup brings a unique perspective to the legal landscape. Having studied law at the prestigious Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, IIT Kharagpur, he combines technical acumen with legal expertise.

Episode Highlights:

Introduction to Biswarup Ghosh:

Biswarup introduces himself, sharing his journey from IIT Kharagpur to becoming a legal counsel at Cambium Networks. Learn about his passion for law, technology, and the fascinating challenges he encounters in his role.

Life at IIT Kharagpur:

Biswarup reflects on his experiences as a law student at IIT Kharagpur. Discover how this blend of engineering and legal education shaped his career.

In-House Counsels: Challenges and Insights:

Biswarup discusses the unique challenges faced by in-house counsels. Gain insights into the dynamic world of legal advisory within technology companies.

The Dress Code Dilemma:

We playfully probe Biswarup’s professional reputation by asking whether lawyers at tech firms should have a special dress code. Tune in to hear his thoughts on what that dress code might entail!

AI and Repetitive Tasks: Three Genie Wishes:

Imagine a genie granting Biswarup three wishes related to AI automating mundane tasks in his work life. What would those wishes be? Find out in this thought-provoking segment.

Generative AI in the Legal Field: Initial Impressions:

As a seasoned lawyer, Biswarup shares his initial impressions of generative AI’s potential in legal practice. Explore how AI tools could revolutionize legal research, drafting, and more.

Thank you, dear listeners, for joining us today. As always, stay curious, stay adaptable, and never stop learning. See you in the next podcast! πŸŽ™οΈπŸ”πŸ“š

00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:09,280
Welcome back, our dedicated listeners.

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We feel so blessed with the amazing response we have been getting for this podcast.

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Okay, okay, enough self praise now.

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Let me get back to another episode of potential award winning podcast.

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Lexdiscuss Cafe with huge emphasis on the word potential.

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This is the second part of our conversation with Mr. Biswarup Ghosh, an engineer turned

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lawyer hailing from the prestigious IIT Kharagpur.

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In the first part of this podcast, Biswarup shares his experiences of studying at IIT

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Kharagpur and transitioning into a legal role at a tech company.

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He also highlights the benefit of his alma mater, including the exposure to various disciplines

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and world class education.

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He also discusses his professional journey from IP law to contracting and privacy and

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his current role at Cambian networks.

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He also touches on the importance of lawyers in tech companies adapting to the environment

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and communicating effectively with engineers.

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Our conversation then shift to the challenges of keeping up with the regulatory changes

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and open source software in the context of law and technology.

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Lastly, Biswarup emphasizes the importance of both legal and business knowledge for success

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in the field and the need for law schools to teach practical skills such as policy implementation

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and technology addressing.

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Today, we continue our conversation unraveling more layers of his experiences, challenges

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and unique perspectives.

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So Biswarup, the next question is really important and you know the buzzword these

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days, what do you think generative AI is going to do to the legal profession and what legal

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profession should be doing in this regard?

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I was just hoping this will come up.

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So I'm happy.

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Today we have two crowds, one is who have heard of generative AI and another have seen

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and done that.

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If I were to speak to set up people who have heard about generative AI but have not seen

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the magic or have not had their hands on that particular thing, I would get a response that

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this is again a fad.

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But myself being on that other group where I have actually seen, I have put my hands

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on and have used on my personal capacity, generative AI, the GPTs of this world in fact

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have gone ahead and worked on some small projects on training of the LLMs, etc.

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I can say that this is path-breaking.

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Let me get into the specifics.

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Now generative AI, I mean we end up speaking a lot about generative AI, let me take a step

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back and let me speak about AI itself, because generative AI is essentially when we are mostly

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talking about prompt-based, text-to-text kind of a generation sort of thing.

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But AI in itself is extremely powerful.

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I have to break down my work and break it down into what kind of technologies today

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intervene in my world.

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So one part of it is I get tons of emails and lot of it is something I have to bucket

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between what I do within 5 seconds, what I essentially need to put in some time and collect

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certain information and then reply within certain period of time, say a day, and what

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is a little spread out, I mean I can actually reply back in say maybe a week and it's fine.

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Now generative AI is something which helps me in prioritizing this task, much better

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than how I would otherwise do it, where I go into outlook and create tasks for myself.

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So I keep on creating tasks, never being able to complete those.

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But with these kind of Microsoft insights, if you have seen these coming up and saying

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that hey, you have a mail which you received on say 3 days back and this is waiting for

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your reply and then this is something which are the kind of documents which go with respect

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to you being able to reply, well, fantastic use case.

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The second bit is I need to then bucket it into the kind of case matters that I need

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to handle.

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Now here, generally, I have to prep, going back to this open source example, some open

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source software comes to my table, I have to go ahead and do the review of the license

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and then go back and give an approval or some suggested steps to take care of this, right?

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Now again, AI is extremely helpful in number 1, if I were to go ahead and figure out what

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those open source software are, these new software which are today developing which

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can pick it up, utilizing AI and almost anticipate what are those kind of code snippets, fantastic.

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The workflow pieces that are getting built up in this area to manage the workflows that

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I push for someone's recommendation, for someone's approval, I receive certain approval or certain

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comments from them, I collate all these together and send back as an advice to my internal

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customer, Generative AI has a fantastic use case.

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Going to the pieces where I need to do drafting, I need to draft a contract, I need to draft

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say a patent application, I need to draft any of the applications which are non-contentious.

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Generative AI gives a fantastic first step.

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Generative AI alters when we want to create a work product which is a final workflow.

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I am continuously seeing today that Generative AI is not there, AI is not there to basically

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come up with such kind of work product.

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That's where an AI enabled lawyer is a much better place because it frees me up from a

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lot of mundane kind of a task and helps me focus on two things which are essentially

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material for me as well as the company.

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The last piece where it comes down to the contentious issue and this is where specifically

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for me, I am not super excited about utilizing Generative AI when say a code application

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has to be drafted or where there is some sort of these kind of applications which essentially

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have to be filed in front of courts in India or in most of the countries in APAC are concerned.

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That I am not yet very excited about, that is not something which I can see that is happening

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to that kind of a scale.

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So a long-winded way of saying this, being in the position where I have already utilized,

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I have used certain part of it, I can see that this technology is definitely something

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which is path-breaking, no doubt about it.

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Where we utilize, how we utilize, some places has got immediate applications, some places

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I am not sure sure, maybe down the line it is going to come up and of course there are

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some other places where it doesn't make sense to touch it.

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Now one last piece is about the research, we end up continuously required to do research

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on what are these kind of laws, what are these kind of implications, regulation, order, notices, etc.

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I mean that's the fantastic use case of AI and I have been utilizing in and out AI for that.

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Being able to type it down in natural language and being able to get a response which is

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much better than a Google search result, this is my type immensely, so that's what it is.

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And your second part of the question about what should lawyers do about it, I mean there

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is nothing stopping the lawyers from starting to try, I mean see this as a tool and then

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also keeping in mind that the more we remain inhibited with something new, the chances

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are that you know the wave is only going to bite us, so therefore I mean what I have been

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doing, I can't really go ahead and represent the whole community here but what I have been

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doing is anytime there is a new tool, I have been trying to make use of it, figuring out

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where it makes sense, trying to understand what sort of risk it carries while we are

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doing this and then wait for the right opportune moment to actually put it into work.

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Completely agree with your thoughts there but you know one of the reason that we invited

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you for the podcast because of having a technical background earlier and I am sure you have

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met people who don't share that background, why do you think there is so much reluctance

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in adopting new technology among lawyers and my follow up question to that would be considering

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that you are in a tech company where everybody is adopting AI left right center, so do you

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think the legal department also gets influenced a little more to do that or do you believe

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that's not the case?

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Well Abhi, you have to see that there are these different worlds which even exist already.

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This is a personal story, so I have been to a district court for one of our matters

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going on there and there I see what's the process, let me explain to you the process.

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There is a lawyer who is going to sit down and first write the application on their hand,

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so when I sit in front of them, I do not see a laptop in front of them, our handheld devices

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are in fact non-smart phones right so to say the dumb phones and then the process moves on

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so that lawyer would draft it and then they would send it to someone who is going to again write it

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and mind you I mean most of our district courts for their own good they work in the native language

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I mean they will work in say Hindi or Bengali or say Telugu or Tamil etc. So now this is a process

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which gets followed essentially if we are trying to say today that why is a lawyer who is today

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writing it on the paper and then getting it typed on say a computer or maybe a typewriter

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I just saw a typewriter a few days back so I am telling it with a lot of conviction that this

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happens why is it that guy or that person not inclined to use AI so we are not really asking

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the right question because you see none of us actually reached our graduation before having

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completed our first class on the other side you are looking at large law firms you are looking

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at large corporates and I am going to only speak about the corporates over here now in corporates

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we end up seeing that our peers our colleagues end up using AI or I mean even before AI these

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kind of automation tools this kind of SaaS software left right and center so in that case we are not

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just influenced or I would say we are essentially expected to use this software as efficiently if

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not more as our other colleagues in the department so therefore the adoption of these technologies

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are naturally much higher in places in this kind of corporate legal department

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so even today I mean most of the corporate legal departments would have one or other form of case

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docketing system or a contract management system these are already there they would likely to have

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an e-signature tool if there are multinational contracts which are being executed so these are

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already there AI has a layer on top of it so therefore it's not too difficult for any of

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these lawyers to promote themselves into using this that's what my thesis is that if we are

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expecting the larger chunk of lawyers within India to today sit down and start using it I don't think

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that's the correct expectation on the other side if we are expecting the corporate legal departments

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to use as much as they can yes that expectation is absolutely correct and that's what is happening to

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it wow great insight said so as we are running out of time the last question I'll ask you

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so what would your advice be to young lawyers who are graduating in the era of generative AI

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well that makes me sound very old but

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but you're not that old I'd say younger lawyers right younger lawyers

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yes I mean it's imperative to basically on two sides to know this one is how to use it and also

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keep our minds open I mean this is a clear shot of a message to any of the younger folks who are

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coming out of law schools and getting into the profession so at one point or the other you are

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going to get asked what are the kind of risks which are involved if a team of yours or a client

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of yours has to either develop an AI or has to introduce AI into their products it's almost like

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earlier we used to say every company is a technology company today every company is an AI

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company either they're using it or they are essentially making it so therefore the lawyers

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have to be prepared on two areas first is how to use it unless we ourselves are hands-on with

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respect to this it's difficult to get a feel get an understanding get a flavor of how does it work

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right I mean if I would not have ever used a stability diffusion I do not know what are

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the kind of distortions which come out of such kind of the software if I were to never use a

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chat gpt I do not know what are the kind of extent and where it can start hallucinating

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so that is one so we need to start using and we need to start understanding that

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as much as we can and on the other end we also need to keep our eyes and ears open as to what

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are the kind of risks which are there I don't really want to make it a session of you know

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describing the risks but if we were to listen in closely talk to people who are working with it or

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developing it or you know who are actually using it we will immediately start to understand that

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it starts creating the risk in certain areas of these privacy in the areas of in fact you know

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ethics so on and so forth so these two are the specific things that I would like someone to

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focus and if they do they can stay assured that when they are facing a situation where they have

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to either take a call that should I buy an AI tool they are best players or they have to take a call

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that yes this organization wants to introduce an AI software they are best players to give

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them an insight great insights Vishwaroop so Vishwaroop thanks a lot for joining this podcast

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trust me it was really amazing talking to you thank you very much Avi it was fantastic talking

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to you as well as we sign off remember that law and technology are kindred spirits they coalesce

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innovate and redefine boundaries so dear listeners keep your legal compass calibrated

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your tech binoculars focused and your curiosity unbridled thank you for joining us on this

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odyssey subscribe share and keep the conversation alive stay curious stay caffeinated


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