Podcasts & Interviews

Interview with Ranjani Murugesh, Legal Counsel & Corporate Legal Advisor

Interview with Ranjani Murugesh, Legal Counsel & Corporate Legal Advisor

What made you leap from the legal eagle’s nest to play the numbers game in transaction advisory and business valuations?

I wanted to explore the numbers side of the business world, which complements legal expertise in a unique way.

Can you share a moment in your career that changed how you approach cross-border investments and startup guidance?

The moment of cultural sensitivity in cross border investments and importance of urgency in startup eco system changed my perspective towards my deliverables.

What’s the secret sauce you give foreign companies to spice up their investment journey in India?

Simple – End to end support is the secret sauce.

Tell us about a joint venture rollercoaster you helped to not only stay on the tracks but also win the race!

Certainly, navigating a joint venture can indeed feel like riding a rollercoaster, especially when managing two distinct management teams with differing perspectives.

However, by fostering open communication, facilitating productive dialogue, and emphasizing the shared goals and benefits of the partnership, we were able to align the two management teams towards a unified direction.

Imagine if corporate governance in India was a kid and you had before and after pictures of it growing up over the past decade. What would those pictures look like?

Over the past decade, corporate governance in India has evolved from infancy to maturity, reflecting improved transparency, accountability, and regulatory compliance. However, challenges persist, necessitating ongoing vigilance and reforms.

How do corporate governance strategies differ between large conglomerates and small businesses?

Corporate governance strategies vary based on the scale and complexity of the business. While conglomerates often prioritize formal structures and regulatory compliance, small businesses tend to focus on agility, adaptability, and fostering a culture of trust.

iArtha Capital is like “The Voice’ for startups. What makes you turn your chair around and hit the buzzer?

At iArtha Capital, we are passionate about supporting innovative startups with transformative potential. What piques my interest is a compelling vision, a strong team, and a scalable business model with a clear path to value creation.

What advice would you give to entrepreneurs looking to make their mark in today’s competitive landscape?

Entrepreneurs looking to thrive in today’s competitive landscape should anchor themselves in their passion, ensuring that every endeavor reflects their genuine enthusiasm and dedication. Simultaneously, they must prioritize regulatory compliance and ethical practices, establishing a foundation of trust and integrity. Embracing innovation, building robust networks, and obsessing over customer experience are essential strategies for differentiation and sustained growth. Furthermore, a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation empowers entrepreneurs to navigate dynamic market conditions with agility and resilience, ultimately paving the way for long-term success.

How do you envision the future of investment banking in relation to the startup ecosystem in India?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the Indian startup ecosystem, characterized by a surge in innovation and entrepreneurship, the role of investment banking is poised to become increasingly pivotal. With the proliferation of startups seeking funding and the diverse needs of investors, there exists a gap that investment bankers adeptly bridge. They serve as strategic intermediaries, facilitating connections between startups in need of capital and investors seeking opportunities aligned with their interests and risk profiles. As the ecosystem continues to mature and diversify, investment bankers will play a crucial role in fostering growth, facilitating transactions, and driving the trajectory of India’s burgeoning startup landscape.

Rapid Fire Round:

If you could have any legal document come to life and speak, which one would it be and what would it say?

If I could bring any legal document to life, it would be the Constitution, advocating for justice, equality, and fundamental rights.

What’s the most ‘lawyerly’ way you’ve ever gotten out of a parking ticket?

In a corporate law context, I methodically examined parking regulations, pinpointing procedural irregularities to contest the ticket. Employing legal expertise, I negotiated its dismissal by highlighting administrative shortcomings and contractual nuances.

If a genie granted you three legal industry wishes, what would they be?

My three legal industry wishes would be:

  1. enhanced legal education and awareness
  2. streamlined regulatory processes
  3. faster disposal of cases

What’s the quirkiest law you’ve come across in your readings that’s still on the books?

One quirky law I’ve encountered is an old statute prohibiting the consumption of ice cream on Sundays in a specific town.

If you could cross-examine any historical figure, who would it be and why?

If given the chance, I would cross-examine Subhas Chandra Bose to delve into his strategic insights and motivations behind his revolutionary actions, shedding light on his impact on India’s struggle for independence and his vision for the nation’s future.

How do you foresee AI impacting the role of legal counsel in transaction advisory in the coming years?

AI can revolutionise the transaction advisory by automating routine tasks, enhancing data analysis capabilities, and enabling predictive insights, thereby augmenting efficiency and strategic decision-making.

What steps do you think the legal industry should take to overcome the challenges of adopting AI more widely?

The legal industry should invest in technology infrastructure, prioritize data privacy and security, offer comprehensive training programs, and foster a culture of innovation and experimentation.

Share a tale where you donned your negotiation cape and swooped in to save a dispute from disaster!

In a high-stakes negotiation, I mediated between two parties with conflicting interests by reframing the discussion around shared goals, fostering empathy, and facilitating creative problem-solving, ultimately reaching a mutually beneficial resolution.

As the compliance captain of a startup ship, how do you steer the crew towards the shores of ethical practice?

I instil a culture of accountability through clear policies, regular trainings etc.

Open communication channels and periodic compliance audits to further reinforce ethical practices.

What are your thoughts on the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the legal profession?

AI presents both opportunities and challenges in the legal profession. The legal industry should involve along with AI advancements.

In your opinion, what are the most promising areas within the legal field where generative AI can be applied?

The generative AI can be promising in contract drafting, contract management, streamlining routine tasks, legal research and document analysis.

How do you see AI impacting the practice of corporate law, investment and transactional work, in the future?

By automating due diligence, contract management, and regulatory compliance, enhancing efficiency, risk mitigation, and decision-making in investment and transactional activities.

For the legal career climbers, what’s the essential gear to pack for the ascent to the summit of success?

A very strong foundation of legal knowledge, communication skills, dedication and passing of their career, resilience in the face of challenges and commitment to lifelong learning and professional development.

If you had a magic wand that could change one thing about the legal system, what would it be?

I would streamline and expedite the corporate law regulatory process, reducing bureaucratic hurdles and complexities.

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